Having to pay outstanding back taxes may seem impossible, however, the option of a payment plan agreement may be available to you. Another way to avoid wage garnishment and levy by the IRS or the State is to have an experienced tax professional review your tax records. This will ensure accuracy in identifying any additional deductions or tax credits that may have been missed.
At Ultimate Tax Relief, our tax professionals can assist you with the removal of wage garnishments and levies imposed by the IRS. We can put in place payment agreements as well as settle all outstanding back taxes with the IRS.
We will also request for the employer, bank, or payee to be notified of the levy release agreement while communicating with IRS agents. Once you have met the terms of the extension-to-pay agreement, request for an immediate release of your levy/garnishment can be arranged with the IRS.
In the case of a bank levy, bank account funds will undergo a 21-day freezing period before it is transferred to the IRS. We recommend resolving the problem as soon as possible by contacting our tax experts. Once you complete the simplified installment agreement or secure an extension to pay, the bank levy will be released allowing access to your funds.
In the event of denial of the simplified installment agreement and the extension to pay, the next step will be to request a more complex installment. The IRS will request additional documentation of your financial situation to determine your qualification status. Complex payment agreements may delay the release of your levy. The same documentation conditions apply if you prefer one of the special programs offered by the IRS designed to assist individuals experiencing financial challenges. These programs include:
These programs require applicants to present evidence to justify financial hardship as the main reason for requesting the release of a levy. However, the levy will remain until the IRS completes the processing of the application. Our tax professionals pay close attention to every detail and demand the release of the levy once an agreement has been successfully established.
Feel free to call for a free consultation with us at 301-577-3000.
Phone: 800-674-4449
Email: info@ultimatetaxrelief.com
Address: 9458 Lanham Severn Road, Lanham, Maryland 20706